Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This Airport Invades My Personal Space

I had a kind of mini-dream before the airport one I am about to explain- it had to do with a forest fire at my grandma's house, and the forest and field I had grown up with was completely obliterated.

But the real reason why I'm writing this right now is below.

So I was at some kind of airport, and I was sitting around table with my brother, mom, and a few friends. We were playing some kind of really boring board game and I had to go to the bathroom.

"Better hurry, they're almost out of seats".

Say whaat?

I find the bathroom and find all the stalls but the handicap one in the back taken, and there is this MAN in there currently announcing to everyone on... HOW to USE the BATHROOM.

That didn't seem to stop all the women from going in there and sitting down and waiting for further instructions on how on earth to do this. Including me. Because our society is becoming so dependent on government-run agencies that they can't even figure out how to GO without instruction./rantrantrant/

At this point I was abruptly awoken. I'm glad.

...I hate bathroom dreams.

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