Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Platypus Dog is Tickled

Last night, I was a hybrid chimera platypus dog running from scientists and policemen.

I took cover in an abandoned house and ran all the way up to the top floor, where I was cornered and trapped underneath two very large windows. In my mind, I was fretting about how it would be so easy to find a large platypus dog, especially if you looked through the windows. Before I know it, two policemen are staring down at me through the windows, looking bent and determined to capture me.

My mind quickly looks for any logical reason as to how they could possibly overlook me, and quickly comes up with a solution. Immediately, the policemen are applied with an extremely debilitating case of crosseyes and cannot see me even if they tried.

However, this short respite of being captured does not last long. The scientists have discovered me and trapped me in a large black garbage bag and began assaulting me with incessant tickles to my belly.

Yes, tickles.

The kind of tickles that are so intense that you can't breathe and it's no longer funny but you can't stop laughing. But instead of laughing, I was screaming, "Bark! Bark! Quack! Quack!"

And not in a poor imitation of a dog's bark or duck's quack, but I was actually SAYING those words, "Bark" and "Quack".

And then, I quickly seeped out of my dream state and into being consciously awake, because I realized that I actually WAS being assaulted by something that felt akin to being tickled beyond the point where you can breathe.

My abdomen was spontaneously twitching in strange muscle spasms O.o It was 3:00. I remember waking up groggily, wondering what the heck was going on with my belly. I felt my muscles contorting and twitching involuntarily. The only thing that helped was grabbing a big roll of skin and pulling it up as high as I could without injuring myself.

When the twitching finally stopped, I fell back asleep, in a daze. Being a platypus dog at one moment and human the next is pretty disorienting. Nevermind the spasms. I'm still stuck on the fact that I was a platypus dog.

Illustration coming soon!


  1. Oh my. That's some dream. I remember a dream when I was a dog too but there was no scientist; there were evil asain people that were trying to eat me. XP
    It's funny how your mind interpreted those muscle spasms with tickles!

  2. Hey Artistlover! Thanks for the comment!

    It wasn't so much a mental interpretation of tickles as much as it was, actually, literally felt like tickles. O.o I mean, it felt like someone was tickling me there, but it was just my abdomen spazzing out.

  3. Oh! That even more funny! I still wonder how in the world you dreamed up a scientist tickling you. It's just such an odd dream!
